5G 家居寬頻服務計劃之特別條款及細則
Special Terms and Conditions for 5G Home Broadband Service Plan

1. 此服務計劃(“服務”)必須配合香港移動通訊有限公司(“本公司”)的指定兼容路由器 (“路由器”) 一同使用,路由器型號將不時更新。
  • 指定路由器型號: Linksys FGW3000 5G WiFi 6 路由器
  This service (the “Service”) must be used in conjunction with a designated compatible router (the “Router”) from CSL Mobile Limited while the model of routers may be updated by us from time to time.
  • Model of designated routers: Linksys 5G WiFi 6 Router FGW3000
2. 此服務只適用於本公司指定網絡覆蓋範圍內的住宅地址作個人用途,並需視乎網絡覆蓋而定。
  This Service is only available for residential addresses within our designated service coverage areas for personal use only, and  subject to the network coverage of your home.
3. 您只可為此服務登記一個住宅地址。任何搬遷申請須事先給予本公司書面通知並按本公司全權酌情權決定,本公司亦可向您收取額外費用。
  You can only register one residential address for this Service only.  Any relocation may be subject to our prior approval in writing at our absolute discretion and additional charges may be imposed.
4. 此服務必須於您的登記地址上 (顯示於每月賬單上) 使用。如本公司合理地相信您於登記地址範圍外使用此服務,本公司可能會立即暫停或終止服務而毋須作事先通知。如您因不遵守這指定條例而被終止服務,您須向本公司繳付提前終止費用。
  The Service must only be used at your registered address (displayed on monthly billing) only.  If we suspect that you use this Service outside your registered address, we may suspend or terminate this Service forthwith without prior notice. If we terminate this Service because of your breach of this provision, you shall be liable to pay us the early termination fee.
5. 本公司不會就在您的處所內安裝、重新配置或設置您的電腦連接到本公司提供的服務承擔任何責任。您 須負責有關的安裝、重新配置或設置。
  We are not responsible or liable for any installation, reconfiguration or setting up of your computer for connection to our Service at your premises, and, it is your responsibility to carry out such installation, reconfiguration or setting up work.
6. 如您的登記地址在我們 5G 網絡覆蓋以外的地方,會以 3G / 4G 提供服務。
  If your registered address is outside 5G service coverage, 3G or 4G service will be provided instead.
7. 您不應使用此服務計劃提供的 SIM 卡作此服務以外的任何其他用途。
  You may not use the SIM Card other than for this Service purpose.
8. 本特別條款及細則為流動通訊服務協議 (以下簡稱「服務協議」) 之附屬條款,並為該服務協議中不可分割的部份。基於我們提供流動通訊服務及/或上述優惠,你同意根據服務協議之條款及細則及本特別條款及細則使用流動通訊服務。
  These Special Terms and Conditions are supplemental to the Mobile Service Agreement ("Agreement") and form an integral part of the Agreement. In consideration of us offering the Mobile Service and/or the above offer, you agree to subscribe to the Mobile Service subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement and these Special Term and Conditions.
9. 服務計劃包括本地流動數據每月 250GB,其後可繼續使用本地流動數據服務而不受速度限制。然而,你所享用的網絡資源將因應網絡情況而分配會較少,你的流動數據體驗或會受到影響。客戶所體驗之實際速度會相當地少於最高下載速度,並會因應不同因素而有所影響,包括互聯網之實際情況、伺服器運作速度、網絡性能、覆蓋範圍、地點、所使用之電腦或裝置、硬件、軟件及其他因素。
  Service plan includes 250GB monthly local data. When your mobile data usage reaches the monthly local data entitlement, you can continue to use the mobile data service without speed throttling. However, you will be allocated with less network resources for access subject to the prevailing network conditions and your experience may be affected. Actual speeds experienced will be considerably less than the network specifications and will be affected by Internet conditions, server speeds, network conditions, coverage, location, device used, hardware, software, usage levels and other factors.
10. 須繳付每月 $18 之港鐵 / 隧道 / 流動電訊牌照 / 行政費。
  An MTR/ Tunnel/ Mobile License/ Administration Fee of HK$18 per month is required.
11. 選用此服務計劃須簽 24 個月或以上 承諾期。
  Subscription to this Service Plan for 24 months or above Commitment Period is required.
12. 贈品及禮品 (如適用):所有贈品及禮品不可轉換或兌換現金或其他利益。有關特定產品所適用的保證條款的詳細解釋,請參閱產品附帶的製造商保證聲明 (如適用)。如你於承諾期內提早終止服務,閣下除須向本公司支付提前終止費用,我們或向閣下收取贈品及禮品之全部價值。
  GIFTS AND PREMIUMS (if applicable): All gifts and premiums are non-exchangeable, non-redeemable for cash or other benefits. Please refer to the manufacturer's warranty statement included with the product (if any) for a detailed explanation of the product warranty terms applicable to a particular product. If you terminate our service before the expiry of the Commitment Period, we may charge you the full value of gifts and premiums you received in addition to any early termination charges you are required to pay.
13. 除非另有註明,服務計劃內包含之使用量只適用於本地使用。
  Unless otherwise specified, Service Plan included usage applies to local use only.
14. 服務計劃內包含之使用量只供該賬單月內使用,餘額不能累積至下一個賬單月並會於該賬單月被取消。
  Any unused usage cannot be carried forward to the next bill month and will be forfeited at the end of each bill month.
15. 如客戶於承諾期屆滿前終止服務,所有回贈或優惠之餘額將被全數取消。同時,客戶須繳付提前終止費用為承諾期剩餘月份之月費總和。
  If you terminate this Agreement before the expiry of the Commitment Period, the remaining balance of any Rebate or benefit will be absolutely forfeited to us immediately. In addition, you must pay the Early Termination Charge which is the sum of the monthly service fee for the remaining months of the Commitment Period.
16. 你明確了解並同意,你使用流動通訊服務之風險由你個人負擔,流動通訊服務是依「現況」及「現有」基礎提供,我們表明不提供任何明示或默示的擔保,包括但不限於商業適售性、特定目的之適用性及未侵害第三方的權利。我們不會對任何用戶通訊或個人化設定之時效、刪除、傳遞錯誤、未予儲存或因任何資料之下載而導致你的流動通訊設備或任何其他設備或裝置之任何損壞或資料流失而承擔任何責任。你同意我們不會就你進入或使用流動通訊服務及其任何部份而承擔任何責任。
  You expressly understand and agree that your use of the Mobile Service is at your sole risk, and the Mobile Service is provided on an "AS-IS" and "AS-AVAILABLE" basis and that we expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. We assume no responsibility for the timeliness, deletion, mis-delivery or failure to store any user communications or personalization settings or for any damage to your Mobile Equipment or any other equipment or device or loss of data that results from the download of any materials, data or information. You expressly relieve us from any and all liabilities arising from the access or use of any part of the Mobile Service.
17. 服務計劃所包含的服務受該服務之條款及細則約束(如有及如適用),詳情請參閱我們的網頁 www.hkcsl.com
  Terms and conditions of the services included in the Service Plan (if any and if applicable) apply, for details please refer to our website www.hkcsl.com.
18. 受一般條款及細則的約束 (https://www.hkcsl.com/tc/general-terms-and-conditions-of-hkcslcom/)。
  General Terms and Conditions (https://www.hkcsl.com/en/general-terms-and-conditions-of-hkcslcom/) apply.
CSL Mobile Limited 香港移動通訊有限公司