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- Only applicable to Agreements for csl mobile Services for (a) Consumer Customers concluded before 1 July 2011; and (b) Corporate Customers.


1. Mobile Number Porting
  If the Customer requests for the porting of the Customer’s mobile number from another mobile operator and if through no fault of csl mobile, the mobile number porting is unsuccessful, the Customer will have to choose a new csl mobile number for the Application. In such a case, all promotions (including rebates and waivers) which are conditional upon successful porting will be forfeited by the Customer. If the Customer does not choose a new csl mobile number, csl mobile will regard the Customer to have cancelled the Application and the Customer will have to pay csl mobile the Pre-activation Cancellation Charge.


2. BlackBerry

If the Customer switches to BlackBerry Internet Service provided by csl mobile, the Customer must request the Customer’s prior BlackBerry service provider to release the Customer’s BlackBerry account to csl mobile.  If by the target Commencement Date (as specified in the Application), the Customer’s prior BlackBerry service provider shall have failed to release the Customer’s BlackBerry account to csl mobile, the Commitment Period (as specified in the Application) of the Customer’s BlackBerry Internet Service will still commence as scheduled on the target Commencement Date.


3. Prepayment

In some cases, csl mobile may require the Customer to make a prepayment for csl Mobile Service. If the Customer is required to make a prepayment, csl mobile will specify this in the Application. Prepayment will be refunded to the Customer as rebates as specified in the Customer’s  Application for csl Mobile Service. Prepayment, however, will not be refunded to the Customer if the Customer terminates csl Mobile Service before the Commitment Period ends.


4. Ending csl Mobile Service

The Customer can tell csl mobile to stop providing csl Mobile Service by calling hotline 10088  for corporate Customer and 1000 for consumer Customer. In some cases, the Customer may have to pay csl mobile the Early Termination Charges and other Cancellation Charges for ending csl Mobile Service or the Agreement for csl Mobile Service, please refer to csl mobile General Terms and Conditions (available at for details.

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