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Huawei MatePad Pro 12.2” (12+512GB)

Suggested Retail Price: $6,699

Key Feature:
12.2-inch Tandem OLED Ultra-bright PaperMatte Display1
HUAWEI Glide Keyboard
GoPaint App2
Innovative Golden Silk Design3
1 The screen measures 12.2 inches diagonally across standard rectangle. The actual display area may be smaller than the stated value, due to the presence of rounded corners. Only the HUAWEI MatePad Pro 12.2-inch PaperMatte Edition is equipped with a Tandem OLED PaperMatte Display. PaperMatte Display is a tablet screen defined by Huawei, which forms diffuse reflection to reduce the impact of light and sunlight, so as to make viewing more comfortable. The experience may vary slightly depending on the usage conditions and environments.
2 Only certain Huawei tablets running HarmonyOS 4.2 or later sup
3 Only the Premium Gold version adopts the Golden silk design.
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