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Calling overseas

International Call Forwarding

Do you want to access a local mobile or fixed line when you are overseas? Now, you can manage your calls with greater flexibility by using International Call Forwarding.

This program allows you to redirect an incoming call to a third party located overseas. For example, you may redirect calls to a friend's local mobile number or the hotel at your destination.

Before leaving Hong Kong, simply forward your Hong Kong mobile number to a local mobile number or a fixed line number at your destination. Please note that all charges on the forwarded calls are charged at IDD 001 rate.

Below are the scenarios and the steps for international call forwarding:
How to Use
  Forward to overseas landline number
  Forward to overseas mobile number
  Cancel forwarding

Below are the available destinations that allow customers to forward to as the third party for International Call Forwarding
Destination International Access Code
Australia 61
Austria 43
Cambodia 855
Canada 1204; 1226; 1250; 1289; 1306; 1343; 1403; 1416; 1418; 1431; 1438; 1450; 1506; 1514; 1519; 1579; 1581; 1587; 1604; 1613; 1647; 1705; 1709; 1778; 1780; 1807; 1819; 1867; 1873; 1902; 1905
Mainland China 86
Czech Republic 420
Finland 358
France 33
Germany 49
Guam 1671
Hawaii 1808
India 91
Indonesia 62
Ireland 353
Israel 972
Italy 39
Japan 81
Jordan 962
Luxembourg 352
Macau 853
Malaysia 60
Mongolia 976
Netherlands 31
New Zealand 64
Philippines 63
Singapore 65
South Korea 82
Spain 34
Sri Lanka 94
Sweden 46
Switzerland 41
Taiwan 886
Thailand 66
United Arab Emirates 971
United States Of America 1
United Kingdom 44
Vietnam 84

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